-- Num ---- Username ---- Category ------------- Posted -- Expires --- Pages ---
|  1402 | WHITELA      | CHATTER              | 01/20/97 | 01/27/97 |     9    |
| Description: The Minutes, which took hours                                   |

The minutes from a meeting of Concerned Citizens of Chatter
January 19, 1997, 9 p.m.
Cappy's House
*Smoke break
*Should we go to NetNews? (no)
 ~higher visibility-->more posters
 ~higher visibility-->stricter standards on what's acceptable
  to post; more likely for parent/admin/etc. to complain,
  more likely to be shut down.
*Creative pointers to Chatter posted on Net News
*Legal necessity of mailing lists for parties/DAKS
*Chatter webpage
*"I was hoping time had obscured the facts"--John D. Capriotti, reflectin
 upon his instigation of the alt.gothic.fashion takeover
*The Disrupters arrived amid a flurry of activity
*A beer run was made
*Bring potential posters to DAKs
*Post more and better
*Bill Roundy plans on starting a 'zine which could contain some writing
 from chatter (a column?), and bring in potential posters.
*Incoming people are without vax(raven) accounts
*Computer geeks will have them anyway
*Chatter is harsh on newbies, but DAKs should be open and welcoming
*Somebody could send nice(tm) email to the newly crisped, bringing them
 back from the depths of despair and encouraging their
 persistence (an important quality in the newbie)
*Existing traffic on raven includes some class BBs
*Pointer from NetNews to Chatter could be a cascade.
*Revive Keeper of the List position, held by Omar and assisted by KT.
*"Is the Seven Deadly Sins DAK theme too intimidating to newbies?
 [much heated discussion ensued: "twenty guys in black leather
 g-strings masquerading as Lust could be scary, so maybe we
 should tone it down" vs. "we shouldn't hide who we are, and
 if they're scared they probably don't belong here". in the
 very end, we decided to keep the theme].
*KT said "JC, think about people that *aren't* you for a minute!"
*a symbiosis exists between DAKs and Chatter
*CC said to Frank Ford: "you were in a rest home by the time I got
 to college."
*Tradition and merits of Thursday DAKs and Friday DAKs
*Quality of posts must improve. Bill Roundy will begin to post.
*People should post more, and more often.
*"A four day absence is inexcusable!"--Cappy to JC, on the latter's
 recent hiatus.
*Moonpie had a dorky idea, and tried in vain to excercise self-censorship.
*Give verbal "business cards" to people who would make good posters.
*Welcome message to each new person, sent by Omar.
*Reinstatement of titles, for fun and to emphasize roles and areas
 of responsibility.
*KT needs remedial .dis list help, and Ben and Omar will give it to her.
*Cappy gave a short lesson on how to flush his cranky old toilet.
*Smoke break
*Coothie volunteered herself as flamebait, so that others may practice
 their crisping skills.
*TIMFPOTWs printed out, carried along, and handed out to select potential
 posters. Print out the good post that *got* the TIMFPOTW, not the post
 that *conferred* the TIMFPOTW, you moron.
*"We should all think of ourselves as advertising executives for
 Chatter"--JCLira, in an unprecedented moment of CorporateThink.
*CCBidwell is responsible for calling, holding, and serving as despot
 for the next meeting.
*"We are at war with boringness...recruit! recruit! recruit!"--CC
*This week, we are to banter about potential posts to serve as a pointer
 from NetNews to Chatter.
*CC successfully flushed the toilet, but did not report that he
 successfully used it.
*KT gave CC some shit about whether he would be responsible, and CC
 vehemently responded that, indeed, he would.
*Doug said that someone has permission to beat him if he doesn't post
 an RFL by the end of the week (DIBS!)
*Doug made a toast to BJ, who last semester managed to post better and
 more frequently from three time zones away than most of us here. The
 assembled crowd drank enthusiastically to BJ.
*Ben Rose and Frank bemoaned the loss of Miller G30 as a hangout for
*Ben Rose also said "Everybody needs to bitchslap Mav." but JC declined,
 saying "Nuh uh, she's bigger than me."
*Ben Rodgers wordily admitted to his drunkenness, and then advocated
 the reinstatement of G.R.O.S.S., but most of the original members
 no longer qualify, what with having girlfriends.
*Establish new, reusable formats (ie. RFL type stuff).
*Cappy fell over.
*Robin called, and the word "nonpostingcunt" echoed through the room.
*Jackie got Cole on the floor.
*JC wants to make punch for the next DAK, "something improvised,
 probably with rum, juice, and Wild Irish Rose."
*Ben Rodgers spoke out of turn, JC called him a "bad puppy", and
 threatened undemocratically to hit him with the bottle, which, BTW,
 should be highly decorated, inaugurated, blessed, and kept sacredly
 by CC until the next meeting.
*Smoke break
*Cappy got misty-eyed and went to the bathroom to camaflage it.
*JC *will* get his wings, and Moonpie will drive him to get them,
 but JC will drive Ben Rodgers home, 'cause the little lightweight
 mofo is all schnookered up.
*Luna advocated more social interaction, and others agreed.
*Cappy, drunk, gave an incoherent conclusion speech. Jackie ridiculed
 him, laughed, and snorted. Cappy became righteously indignant.
*CC will have another meeting toward the end of the semester to see
 how we're doing.
*We could meet again in a week to hang out and drink beer, under the
 guise of a one week follow up meeting.
1) Current posters to improve quality and quantity of posts.
2) Increase new posters
    a) hand out TIMFPOTWs
    b) mail/persue interesting potential posters (qualifications
        include at least two brain cells)
    c) recruited through Bill's 'zine
3) Planning meetings
    a) semesterly
    b) official title of person responsible for meetings:
        "Minister of Lies and Propaganda"
    c) CC Bidwell is the new Minister of Lies and Propaganda
    d) Ben Rodgers will apply the electrodes to CC's (cute) butt,
        in case CC slacks off.
    e) Ben's title is Sub Toady to the Minister of Lies and Propaganda.
    f) Ben officially objects to the title, but not the responsibility.
4) Hang out more
John D. ("Cappy") Capriotti
Jackie V. ("Jackie") Thompson
William C. ("Bill" or "Oberon") Roundy
John G. ("Omar") Drummond
Cole F. ("Colefike") Hartson
Douglas P. ("Doug" or "Joker") Campbell
Laura A. ("Moonpie") White
Lori H. ("Luna") Reaser
Catherine R. ("Coothie") Cranston
Frank ("Frank Ford") Ford
Katherine E. ("KT") Thomas
Benjamin M. ("Ben" or "Judge") Rodgers
Christopher C. ("CC") Bidwell
Jason Constant ("JC") Lira
Benjamin R. ("Ben") Rose
Jessica M. ("Ursula") Wegener --TARDY
Sheryl R. ("Woody") Wood --TARDY
Robin L. ("formerlyknownasthecynicallittlegnome") Ickes --TARDY
Alternatingly Respectfully and Flippantly Submitted During the Early
Morning Hours of January Eighteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Seven,